
InDesign vs PowerPoint

InDesign vs PowerPoint for content creation

Content marketing creation is about more than just letting the creativity run wild. It is about conveying a brand’s image, standards and message in each piece created. According to the Content Marketing Institute, it can be defined as a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and …

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Sales Enablement Software

Sales Enablement software : 7 things to consider before investing

As the Sales Enablement  market erupted, so have sales enablement softwares. Sales Enablement strategies today are often powered by sales automation tools that address different needs. With this in mind they can help with aspects such as :  Automate customer experience to impact engagement Automate time-consuming tasks Provide key sales intelligence Many of these tools are …

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Sales Enablement Technology Assessment

Sales automation tools : 4 step technology assesment

Sales Enablement strategies and initiatives are often powered by sales automation tools. They come in different forms and address different needs such as :  Enhance customer experience Boost engagement Automate repetitive tasks Provide key sales intelligence Qualify leads  Additionally, many of these tools are powered by AI and machine learning. Indeed, this allows to properly …

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Sales Enablement Content Creation

4 Steps to content creation for Sales Enablement

In Sales Enablement, managing content correctly is key. In fact, it is so crucial that content-based Sales Enablement strategies are a thing today. Marketing provides a wide range of digital content throughout the buyer’s journey. It can have an inbound marketing goal, when it is displayed online for prospective buyers to find and create an …

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